Kamis, 18 November 2010

Nothing to Do

Kadang saya bertanya, paa yang akan dilakukan orang lain di kala sedang tidak melakukan apapun?
Sperti saya saat ini, woww bingung mau ngapain...

Tapi yang ku tau pasti ini malamnya bermelow gelaaa ato klo kata na anak2 labil "galaunites"

Lagu yang di mainkan untuk malam ini, lagu-lagu na Five For Fighting..
ada satu lagu yang membuat saya terhenyak sejenak...

Road to Heaven, wihh ni lagu bener2 deh

Sometimes I think about silly things
It's easy to do if you have the time
Often happens when I'm falling off to sleep
After a second glass of wine

The clock is usually running out
Down by one or could be tied
I'm fading back
Winding up
The championship on the line...but...

What if there was a road to heaven
That's what came to me today
Would there be Traffic jams with diamond lanes
Potholes filled up with rain
Would there be Tolls still left to pay

If there was a road to heaven
Made of gold or made out of clay
Would the Angels wave me up the hill
Or in my mirror just fade away

I've never been the kind a man who hits his knees
Got no answers for big questions
I don't know...
Maybe tomorrow lightning will hit me on the head
And we can find out if we're just a joke

Jesus I'm told can build a bridge
Finer than any other man
There's a certain peace to an country road
With a wheel in your hand

If there was a road to heaven
Would there be laws I must obey
If I drove my mustang 85
Late one night turned out the lights
Would the stars still light the way

If there was a road to heaven
Made of Gold or Made of Clay
Would the Angels lead me up the hill
Or in my mirror just fade away

Night turns morning
The old man should be snoring
I got to get some sleep before I'm awake

Up with the monkeys
I sure love the monkeys
But This job ain't all cookies and cake

Sometimes I think about silly things
It's easy to do if you got the wine
In The Eagle we're landing
I'm the President
Or a foreign king
With a harem from Encino to Brunei

But if there was a road to heaven
It'd be one long and crazy ride...
If there was a road to heaven babe
That's a road that I'd like to find.


pas banget ma keadaan gue saat ini..

Minggu, 14 November 2010


lama kali udah ga nulis di blog ini..
hibernasi panjang saya...

sekaran udah jam 0:34, et voila ane belum tidur padahal besok kul jam 7
biasa, efek efek libur panjang apalagi ga terduga kaya gini..
senang gila bisa liburan di kala tugas lagi numpuk numpuk na...

sebenarnya kita libur na bukan karena kampus berbaik hati kasih libur di luar jadwal, tapi gara2 gunung meletus. Sampai tulisan ini keluar, saya belu tau apakah Merapi sudah di turunkan statusnya....

well, mau turun mau kaga besok tetap kuliah gada cerita nambah-nambah libur...
lagi punya hobi baru ni...
ini hasil dari hobi baru kuuuuu